PublishedFebruary 27, 2013

Patents in the News 2/27


Businesses plan to boost IP litigation spending – survey
Thomson Reuters
February 27, 2013
Dan Levine
More publicly traded companies are planning to increase spending on intellectual property litigation over the next 12 months than compared to any other practice area, a new survey of general counsels and heads of litigation has found.

Guest post: Software patents are broken, and it’s hurting our economy
February 25, 2013
Josh Hartwell
We have an incentive system at work in the apps ecosystem. Angry Birds has been downloaded one billion times, Temple Run more than 150 million. Other developers see the potential for great financial reward with their work, which encourages further development, risk taking and invention. This benefits not only developers but also smartphone owners and our economy.

VirnetX v. Apple judge upholds $368M patent suit verdict
February 27, 2013
Zack Whittaker
A U.S. District Court has upheld an earlier decision by a federal jury last year to award intellectual property and patent infringed holding firm VirnetX more than $368.2 million, after Apple was found to have patents related to the networking technology used it its FaceTime video chat service.

FTC-Google public comments round-up #1: Interest groups and industry/professional organizations weigh in
The Essential Patent Blog
February 27, 2013
We’ve finally sifted through the many public comments submitted in response to the FTC-Google consent decree and proposed order.  As we noted Monday, over two dozen individuals, companies, and organizations representing a wide range of interests submitted comments.  Later this week, we will do a post featuring the details of some of the post submitted by interested companies, such as Apple, Ericsson, Microsoft, Qualcomm, and Research In Motion.

Patent suit takes aim at Apple, Dell, others over encryption
February 26, 2013
Josh Lowensohn
A security group has taken aim at some of the biggest computer and software makers, claiming their products infringe on one or more of its patents… Maz Encryption Technologies, a Delaware company made up of two former employees of Maz Technologies, filed suits last week against Apple, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Lenovo, and Research In Motion (now BlackBerry).

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Josh Lamel

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