
Congress and Patents

Public Interest Provisions in the Advancing America’s Interests Act

This post initially appeared in the R Street Institute’s ITC Policy Project Series. The recently reintroduced Advancing America’s Interests Act (AAIA) revises the 19 U.S. Code § 1337 – Unfai...

Analysis of Comments Shows Strong Public Opposition to ANPRM, PREVAIL Proposals

Recent Patent Progress posts have focused on the harmful and overlapping policy proposals contained in the USPTO’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) and the PREVAIL Act. As it turns out,...

Helping NPEs PREVAIL Over Innovators

Last month, Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) introduced the Promoting and Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership Act (PREVAIL) Act. Under the guise of promoting...

Reintroduction of Advancing America’s Interests Act is a Welcome Development for Innovators

Last week, Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) and Don Beyer (VA-08) introduced the Advancing America’s Interests Act (AAIA). If passed, this legislation would help prevent the U.S. Internationa...

As China Prioritizes Its Patent System, America Must Do the Same and More

During the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) earlier this month in Beijing, China began outlining a series of proposals to give itself an edge over its competitors in critical technological sect...

Darrell Issa is Well-Positioned to Address Key Patent Policy Issues

In the early days of the 118th Congress, Rep. Darrell Issa, the newly-named Chairman of the House Intellectual Property Subcommittee, has an opportunity to make progress on a range of issues that are ...

Congress Can Find Common Ground on Transparency

Postmortems from the November 8th elections are in full swing with pundits and operatives making bold claims about what the results mean for Democrats, Republicans, and the country. The dust still has...

The USPTO Must Restore America Invents Act Proceedings

Over the past decade, the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act of 2011 has been discussed and debated extensively in intellectual property circles.

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