
Guest Post

Patent-less Smartphone Innovation and Global Technology Markets

(Cross-posted on Disruptive Competition Project (DisCo)) This weekend I attended the Second Global Congress on IP and the Public Interest held in Rio de Janeiro.  The Congress is intended to draw a...

Some Quick Reactions to the PAE Workshop

Market participants, regulators, lawyers, and patent professionals gathered at the FTC yesterday for a very informative Workshop on Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs).  We will be posting more this wee...

Summarizing the Amici Briefs in Apple-Motorola before the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

On June 22 Judge Richard Posner, sitting in designation, dismissed a patent infringement case between Motorola and Apple which included 15 Apple patents and 6 Motorola patents.  Judge Posner explaine...

Lessons from Apple v. Motorola in Wisconsin

The FTC’s recent consent order in its merger review in In the Matter of Robert Bosch GmbH – a combination of manufacturing companies that make air conditioning recycling, recovery, and recharge p...

The SHIELD Act Is a Step in the Right Direction

The SHIELD Act is an important step in the process of common sense patent reform where it is most needed: computer hardware and software patents.  The Act introduces a “loser pays” rule in compu...

Vanishing Licenses – How International Bankruptcy Rules Could Threaten the Networked Patent Economy

Why should the patent community care about developments in cross-border insolvency law?  Though the topic seems esoteric, there are some important practical reasons to pay attention to what’s happe...

FTC and DOJ Looking at Trolls under Antitrust Authority

A Sunday article in the Wall Street Journal reports the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) are devoting “huge energy, particularly at a senior level” to assess the impa...

Patent Troll Business Models

How Non-Practicing Entities are Adapting The idea of a patent assertion entity (PAE) (or non-practicing entity, patent troll) has become fairly well-known.  These firms adopt a business model of mon...

Why an Antitrust Lawyer Cares About Patent Reform

Since the advent of antitrust enforcement in the United States through the Sherman Act in 1890, antitrust law and patent law have endured an uneasy relationship.  Initial cases treated patents as sup...

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