
Patent Litigation

Input on the United States Government National Standards Strategy for CET (Part 1)

This post first appeared on SEP Essentials. The Department of Commerce of the United States government in conjunction with the U.S. National Institute of Standard and Technology (“NIST”) has a...

What Europe Is Doing Right On SEPs

The European Union (EU) is diving into one of patent policy’s most controversial questions: how should patents on technologies which are essential for wireless connectivity be licensed? As the range...

Judge Connolly Continues to Push on Funding Transparency

Following an April 2022 standing order that mandated parties appearing in his court adhere to third-party funding disclosure requirements and an eye-popping November 2022 memorandum detailing “poten...

ITC Reforms Deserve a Higher Priority

Global competition is a key political issue, particularly the rivalry between the United States and China. These superpowers are locked in a struggle for leadership of the global economy. Last year, t...

Litigation Financing Transparency Must be a Global Effort

Despite varying widely, the structure of legal systems among democratic, free countries are built on consistent underlying principles. Promoting equality, freedom, and justice is a common theme among ...

How Litigation Finance Busts the Bank of Legal Trust

The American legal system gives lawyers vast powers over private citizens. In the United States, there are no “loser pays” rules, no limits on lawyers’ ability to file complaints, and a summons ...

Litigation Funders In Their Own Words 

Rarely does one get a peek behind the curtain in the secretive and highly profitable world of third-party litigation funding (TPLF). In fact, there’s such little transparency in the TPLF industry th...

An Up and Down Year at the USPTO

By: Sam Baird, Director of Analytics at Unified Patents From the confirmation of Kathi Vidal as Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to the Western District of Texas’...

In WDTX, the Numbers Tell the Story

If there was ever any doubt that Judge Alan Albright’s courtroom in Waco, Texas was a favorable venue for patent trolls, we can now put that notion to rest. The proof is in the numbers.  For...

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