

USPTO Accepting Comments on Software Patents

Yesterday, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a Federal Register notice on software patent issues, announcing several roundtables and a written comment period.  The roundtab...

What Judge Koh’s order in Apple v. Samsung means for the future of injunctions in the smartphone patent wars

In December, Judge Koh denied Apple's permanent injunction demands. The ruling sent Florian Mueller into fits over the state of injunction law in the United States.  However, as Dennis Crouch at Pa...

Yesterday’s FTC-DOJ Workshop on Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs)

Yesterday, the FTC and DOJ held a workshop on the anticompetitive effects of Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs), as Josh had posted about last week.  They put together a great collection of participant...

CCIA Filed an Amicus Brief Friday in CLS Bank v. Alice Corp

On Friday, CCIA, which operates Patent Progress, filed an amicus brief in the en banc rehearing of CLS Bank v. Alice Corporation in the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.  CCIA’s brief focu...

Samsung v. Apple at the ITC – Summarizing the Public Interest Briefs

On November 19 the ITC announced that the full Commission would review the Final Initial Determination in Investigation 337-TA-794, Samsung v. Apple.  The ALJ had determined that there was no infring...

Supreme Court Grants Cert in Myriad

Moments ago the United States Supreme Court granted certiorari in Assoc. for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., et al.  (Supreme Court docket  12-398) The Court limited its grant to ...

Life after David Kappos: What should President Obama look for in the next head of the US Patent and Trademark Office?

Numerous outlets reported Monday that the current head of the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), David Kappos, would be stepping down.  While we have disagreed with Kappos at Patent Progress, espec...

Patent Progress at Patent Prom

Today is the Santa Clara Law High Tech Law Institute  “Solutions to the Software Patent Problem” Conference.  (#HTLI is actually trending on Twitter!)  Josh has been live-tweeting it on @Patent...

The Continued Challenge Posed by Abstract Patents

What is the state of the patent system?  In 2009, scholars framed the question as whether it was failing.  In 2011, the question was whether it was in crisis.  Now, Wired Magazine’s “Patent F...

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