

Roundup of This Week’s Patent News: June 14 Edition

Hi there!  No, this week wasn’t quite as eventful as last week.  (If you missed the big patent news, check out last week’s roundup.)  But we still have some news you don’t want to miss. First...

How Covered Business Method Review Can Help Beat Back the Trolls

The term “Covered Business Method” seems a bit dry, but if you’re interested in making life tougher for patent trolls you’ll get acquainted with it. Last week, I focused on one of the Obama Ad...

Talking Points Mau-Mau: Sununu Objects to Reform on Patent Trolls

Former Sen. John E. Sununu has an op-ed in the Boston Globe today that perfectly encapsulates the talking points of those who oppose efforts to clamp down on patent trolls. First is the “Patents Are...

Business and Consumer Groups Come Out in Support of Obama’s Patent Proposals

As it was widely reported yesterday, including here on Patent Progress, President Obama came out with a three pronged plan for stamping down on patent trolls.  Part one was a study outlining their ha...

Why the Obama Administration’s Actions Against Patent Trolls Should Make a Difference

(Cross-posted on DisCo) This is a very big day: the Obama Administration has just entered the fray to help deal with patent trolls, and it’s taking steps that have the potential to be a major part o...

Vermont Targets A Bottom-Feeding Patent Troll, But It Can’t Do The Job Alone

There should be a rule of thumb for patent trolls: don’t target the disabled. You ignore this rule at your peril. Notorious patent troll MPHJ did, and now it’s just been sued by the Vermont Attorn...

Senator Cornyn Introduces Patent Abuse Reduction Act

Today is an exciting day — patent trolls are beginning to get some real attention in Congress. Following Senator Schumer’s introduction of the Patent Quality Improvement Act a couple of weeks ago,...

States Are Getting Desperate to Do Something About Patent Trolls

As we’ve written before, it’s getting bad for small businesses — as David Balto pointed out yesterday, patent trolls are going after supermarkets, hotels, retailers, you name it. At least one st...

Startup DITTO Selling T-Shirts to Defend Against Patent Suit

EFF recently wrote about a startup called DITTO that sells eyewear online using a technology it developed to let people see how the glasses would look on them using a webcam. DITTO is being sued by 1-...

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