

The End-Users Strike Back

As Josh Lamel noted the other day, end-users such as retailers, financial services, grocery stores, advertising, hotel industries, and even oil companies are coming out in droves to fight abusive pate...

CLS Bank v. Alice: Don’t Lose Your Head

The patent world was waiting with bated breath for the Federal Circuit’s decision in CLS Bank International v. Alice Corp. At last, we thought, we would have a ruling on when software is patentable ...

Patents Don’t Lead to Innovation, People Do

Yesterday, Mike Masnick pointed out a study that looked at innovations that were given Research & Development’s “R&D 100 Award” from 1977 to 2004. The study found that, within certain gr...

Massive Gathering Calls for Solving our Patent Troll Problem

The groundswell of support for solving the problems created by patent assertion entities continues to grow.  Today, I had the pleasure of attending a standing-room only gathering of organizations and...

Smartphone War: What Is It Good For?

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has noticed something about the ongoing patent war in the smartphone industry: it’s not accomplishing much of anything. Philip Elmer-DeWitt took the WSJ to task for mis...

CCIA Adds New Patent Counsel

Matt Levy, who you may remember from his guest post on Patent Progress in April, joined CCIA today, and will now be doing a lot of blogging on Patent Progress.  More information about him is below, f...

Patent Fixes Pick up Steam in Congress

(Cross post on DisCo) What a difference a year makes in Congress.  Last year, Reps. DeFazio (D-OR) and Chaffetz (R-UT) introduced the Saving High-tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes (SHIELD...

Schumer Proposes Expansion of Covered Business Method Program

Today Senator Schumer announced a proposal to expand the "covered business method" program instituted at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by the 2011 America Invents Act (AIA).  That initiative, ...

Senate Judiciary Chairman Leahy Sends Positive Signals

Tomorrow is World Intellectual Property Day.  To commemorate the day, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy issued a statement today in support of fighting patent trolls, improving pate...

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