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Stop Abusive Patent Litigation, For the Sake of our Economy

The patent troll debate has officially heated up and the nation’s businesses are paying close attention to the proceedings.  The FTC got things started on December 10, 2012 at the Patent Assert...

CCIA Filed Comments with the USPTO on Software Patent Quality

On February 12, 2013 in Silicon Valley, and February 27, 2013 in New York City, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) held two roundtables on enhancing the quality of software patent...

Is the Eastern District of Texas Becoming Less Patentee-Friendly?

On March 27, the usually patentee-friendly Eastern District of Texas threw out a patent infringement lawsuit against information technology hosting company Rackspace. It is unclear whether this decisi...

Mueller’s critique against Google off base

Last month, Florian Mueller authored a provocative blog post, criticizing Google for its recent pledge not to assert ten of its patents against any open source project. Mueller has never been a fan ...

CCIA Files Comments to US Antitrust Regulators on Patent Troll Activity

(Cross-posted on DisCo) Last Friday, CCIA filed its comments to the FTC/DOJ’s Public Workshop on Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) (aka patent trolls).  Although antitrust authorities cannot fix...

Suggestions for an FTC 6(b) Study on Patent Assertion Entities

The Department of Justice Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) jointly hosted a workshop to explore the issue of patent assertion entities (PAEs) on December 10, 2012.  Since th...

Using the Full Powers of the FTC to Combat Patent Trolls

A century ago there was a lively debate in Congress over the enforcement of the antitrust laws.  Much of the 1912 presidential campaign had focused on the lack of effective antitrust enforcement by t...

Actavis Case Shows Weak Patents Are System-Wide

Last week the Supreme Court heard arguments in FTC v. Actavis (transcript here). This case concerns a topic not normally covered on Patent Progress – pharmaceutical patents. Pharmaceutical patents a...

U.S. News Names Patent Attorneys to Its Most Overpaid Jobs List

U.S. News and World Report has an article up today entitled, "The 10 Most Overpaid Jobs".  While there are other things to be upset about on the list, especially in the high-tech sector, one entry ce...

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