

USPTO’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure.

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Sen. Coons, RESTORE This Bill to the Shelf

On Tuesday, Sen. Chris Coons introduced the RESTORE Act.  This bill tries to overturn the Supreme Court’s eBay v. MercExchange decision.  Justice Thomas, writing for a unanimous court in e...

American Technology Manufacturers Renew Fight Against Fintiv

In a renewed effort to challenge the so-called NHK-Fintiv rule, earlier this month Apple, Cisco, Google, and Intel asked the Federal Circuit to strike down the widely-criticized Fintiv doctrine for be...

Patent Dispute Report: 2024 Mid-Year Report

This post initially appeared on Unified Patents’ News and Views Blog. More analysis is available here.  Patent litigation in the United States showed an upward trend in the first half of 2024, w...

Congress Refocuses on Third-Party Litigation Funding Transparency

Although some Congressmen are trying to resurrect bad ideas, other Congressional leaders are once again focused on taking action to address third-party litigation funding, a rapidly-growing industry w...

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