
The Patent Troll’s New Clothes

You might have been reading a bit about Blackbird Technologies lately. Not the Blackbird Raytheon bought in 2014 (cybersecurity) or the Blackbird Etsy bought in 2016 (AI algorithms). (It’s a popular name, apparently.) This one’s a troll. Tailoring a Patent Troll Blackbird was formed in 2014 by attorneys who worked for two major law firms. […]

FTC 6(b) Study on Patent Trolls Cleared by OMB, It’s Time to Serve Subpoenas

This past Friday, the FTC received OMB approval to go ahead with the 6(b) study on patent assertion entities. It’s been a long time coming, but the FTC did a thorough job of gathering feedback from everyone with an interest in the study. The questionnaires are solid. Now that the last hurdle has been cleared, the FTC should move […]

Apple and Samsung Begin to Wind Down the Smartphone Wars

As we’ve written a number of times (e.g., here, here, and here), nothing good has come out of the war between Apple and Samsung. Both companies have spent millions and neither has much to show for it. The big losers, of course, have been consumers, who could be enjoying better products: products that could have been built using […]

The License on Transfer Network is a LOT of Good

A coalition of tech companies (Google, Canon, SAP, Newegg, Dropbox and Asana) recently announced a new private initiative to disarm patent trolls: the License on Transfer Network (LOT). This is essentially an extension of Google’s Open Patent Non-Assertion Pledge (OPN) that I wrote about in my very first Patent Progress post last year. In the OPN, […]

Google and Apple Do the Right Thing by Settling Smartphone Patent Disputes

Big news in the Smartphone Wars: Google and Apple have settled their patent disputes. This is unequivocally a good thing. As we’ve written a number of times (see here, here, and here), the smartphone patent wars have been sucking away resources and doing nothing to improve products for consumers. With luck, the Samsung-Apple lawsuits will […]

Another Potential Smartphone Patent War Headache for Customs

This is a quick follow up on Monday’s post about the Customs and Border Protection Service and its role in enforcing patent infringement decisions from the International Trade Commission. Depending on what the ITC does in an upcoming case, the CBP might find itself with yet another patent headache from the Smartphone Patent Wars. You […]

Roundup of This Week’s Patent News: June 28 Edition

Good morning! On Monday, Reuters reported that the International Trade Commission (ITC) is taking steps to rein in frivolous litigation from patent trolls, by requiring “companies to prove upfront that they have a significant presence in the United States.”  This is welcome news, as the ITC can get abused by patent trolls.  We will have […]

Roundup of This Week’s Patent News: June 21 Edition

Welcome, new readers who are joining us after yesterday’s event and big announcement!  Yesterday at an event co-sponsored by CCIA (which hosts this blog) and AAI (the American Antitrust Institute), FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez announced her intent to have the FTC do a 6(b) study on patent assertion entities, as the New York Times had […]

The FTC Chairwoman Calls Out Patent Assertion Entities

Another day and another volley fired against patent assertion entities (PAEs). Today, it’s the FTC joining the fray. At an event co-sponsored by CCIA, FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez announced that she would be asking the Commission to institute a Section 6(b) investigation of the patent troll business model. Senator Leahy also sent Chairwoman Ramirez a […]

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