

GNOME Slays Troll

Last year, Patent Progress reported on a troll targeting the GNOME Foundation, a major open source coordinating entity.  Despite Director Iancu’s public statement claiming that trolls are a myt...

Thryv, the PTAB, and the APA

April’s Thryv decision by the Supreme Court clarified the nonappealability of institution decisions in inter partes review (IPR).  But by placing an absolute bar on appeal of institution decisions,...

Open COVID Science Shows Patents Not The Only Incentive

The standard economic justification for patents is that they provide an incentive for inventions that we wouldn’t otherwise have.  In exchange for providing a patent owner with compensation for...

PTO Patent Licensing Marketplace Shows Potential, But Will Licensors Embrace It?

This month, the PTO announced that it would be opening up an online licensing market, “Patents 4 Partnerships.”  The market, which will initially focus on COVID-related patents, is intended t...

In Thryv, Supreme Court Clarifies Bar On Review of Institution Decisions

In today’s decision in Thryv v. Click-To-Call, the Supreme Court held that the AIA means what it says—decisions to institute an inter partes review “shall be final and nonappealable.” (mor...

COVID-19’s Impacts on the USPTO’s Budget

It’s been reported that COVID-19 has had significant impacts on patent applicant filing behaviors.  For example, one report shows that patent applications are now being abandoned at almost twic...

A Follow-up on CyWee and ZTE v. LG and the Public

A few weeks ago, I covered a PTAB case that illustrates why the PTO’s proposed rule on who bears the burden on amended claims in IPRs is fatally flawed.  In that case, ZTE challenged a CyWee pa...

Patents in the Time of Coronavirus

Most of the time, the patents I cover involve investment in technology and who gets how much money.  Innovation is important, but the patent lawsuits I write about usually don’t directly threat...

CyWee, ZTE, and the PTAB v. the Public Interest

In an order issued this week in IPR2019-00143, a panel of PTAB judges decided that the public has no interest in ensuring that only valid patent claims issue from the Patent Office. That’s not an...

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