

Delrahim Pulls DoJ Out Of FRAND-SEP Policy Guidance

In a speech today at the Berkeley Advanced Patent Law Institute, United States Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division Makan Delrahim announced that the Department of Justice was withdra...

Increase In § 101 Rejections Due Almost Entirely To Rejected Business Methods

Prof. Colleen Chien, along with her student Jiun-Ying Wu, recently published an analysis of the impact of § 101 on patent prosecution.  While their analysis clarifies which art units are impacte...

USPTO Releases 2018-2022 Strategic Plan

The USPTO released the final version of its 2018-2022 Strategic Plan today.  I previously wrote about the flaws in the draft strategic plan.  The draft plan did, however, at least note the importanc...

Founders On Patents: Madison On The Dangers Of Patents

James Madison is credited with introducing the Patent and Copyright Clause to the Constitution, and defended that clause in Federalist 43, stating “[t]he utility of this power will scarcely be quest...

CCIA Files Additional Comments In Qualcomm ITC Case

Last June, CCIA filed comments on the public interest issues implicated by Qualcomm’s ITC complaint against Apple.  (The ITC is required to take into account whether the public interest would be ha...

Qualcomm Has Been Violating Its Obligation To License Competitors For Years

Today, Judge Koh issued an important ruling in the FTC v. Qualcomm litigation centered on Qualcomm’s anti-competitive trade practices.  Ruling on a motion for partial summary judgment, Judge Koh de...

FTC Hearings #4: Patents, Intellectual Property, and Innovation

This post has been cross-posted to DisCo. Last week, the FTC held the fourth in its set of hearings focusing on “Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century.”  The first day focused ...

Founders On Patents: Jefferson On A Farm Patent

Last week, I covered a newly digitized letter from John Q. Adams, describing the concern the PTO’s first Commissioner had regarding whether the patents he was issuing were really valid and the harms...

IPR And Alice Appear Responsible For Reduced Patent Litigation Costs

Patent litigation costs have dropped significantly over the past few years, after a steady series of increases over the previous decade.  This drop has sometimes been attributed to the use of int...

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