

New Bill May Lead To Overly Aggressive Blocking Of Goods At Border

A new bill, introduced by Sens. Coons, Tillis, Hirono, and Cassidy, would give Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers the authority to seize goods at the border if they involve design patent vio...

As 9th Circuit Prepares For Argument, Korean Fine Against Qualcomm Upheld

Qualcomm’s appeal of the FTC’s success in district court continues to move forward, with the second set of amicus briefs (including CCIA’s) filed the week of Thanksgiving.  Qualcomm’s rep...

Why Was Oracle v. Google in the Federal Circuit?

Last week, the Supreme Court granted certiorari in Google v. Oracle, preparing to review the Federal Circuit’s decision that application programming interfaces (APIs) are copyrightable and that the ...
guest post Guest Post

Is Big Tech FRANDly to Competition?

On Tuesday, Apple released a new policy on its website relating to the obscure topic of “FRAND” licensing of patents. That’s an especially obscure corner of the already-obscure area of patent la...

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Copyright Sovereign Immunity Case

This post, from guest author Jonathan Band, first appeared on the Disruptive Competition Project.  While the case addresses sovereign immunity with respect to copyright claims, it directly implic...

Senate Hearing on Patent Quality Today

Later today, the Senate will hold a hearing on how Congress can help prevent the issuance of poor quality patents.  I recently testified at a hearing on the STRONGER Patents Act and patent qualit...

Voting Machines, Patents, and National Security

When standard-essential patents (SEPs) are in the news, it’s usually in the context of cellular or wireless networking standards.  Maybe you’ve thought about how standards govern other things...

New E.D. Texas Ruling Is Vicarious Victory for Trolls

In a decision issued last week, Judge Gilstrap—the “poster boy” for patent trolls’ favorite court, the Eastern District of Texas—has mangled the law on induced infringement, contributory inf...

Mythical Troll Attacks GNOME

It’s become a bit of shibboleth among the folks who want to roll back the patent reforms of the past decade that patent trolls are a myth.  Unfortunately, this week one of those mythical trolls...

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