

Senators Tillis and Coons Draft Fundamentally Flawed § 101 Legislation

Today, staff from Senators Tillis and Coons will sit in a room with a group of stakeholders—primarily patent lawyers and lawyers from the pharmaceutical industry—and discuss their recently release...

Judge Koh: Qualcomm’s Licensing Practices Destroyed Competition, Harmed Consumers

Late yesterday evening, Judge Koh issued her anxiously-awaited ruling in the FTC v. Qualcomm litigation.  The 233-page opinion extensively describes Qualcomm’s anti-competitive conduct, how it ...

The Federal Circuit On The Public Notice Function Of Patents

On Wednesday, the Federal Circuit issued its decision in Amgen, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc.  The decision—mostly focused on the specifics of certain biosimilar production claims—also includes a brie...

Massachusetts Re-Introduces Bad Faith Demand Letter Bill

Across the United States, two-thirds of all states have introduced legislation that targets bad faith patent assertion by entities like MPHJ and Shipping and Transit.  Massachusetts State Sen. Er...

Anything Qualcomm Can Do, Huawei Can Do (Better?)

With the settlement of the Apple-Qualcomm litigation, the fate of the FTC’s litigation against Qualcomm has become the next topic of interest in the standard-essential patent (SEP) sphere.  The...

The Federal Circuit Goes Through The Looking Glass

The process of claim construction—interpreting the meaning of the words used in a patent claim—can be confusing at the best of times.  At its worst, as in the Federal Circuit’s Dupont v. Un...

Apple, Qualcomm Settle—But That Doesn’t Mean The FTC Should

Apple and Qualcomm have reached a global settlement to the wide-ranging dispute between the two companies.  Stretching from China to the UK to the US, in a range of forums in various countries, A...

SCOTUS Won’t Review Tribal Immunity To Inter Partes Review

On Monday, the Supreme Court denied certiorari in the Saint Regis Mohawk v. Mylan case, bringing to a close a nearly 18-month-long attempt to sell tribal sovereign immunity as a shield against the int...

Delrahim Out Of Step With FTC, Industry, Academics On FRAND/SEP

Jacqueline Yin is a Legal Fellow at the Computer & Communications Industry Association. This post is also online at Project DisCo. In the U.S., antitrust laws are typically enforced by both t...

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