

No More Bites At The Apple In The Eastern District

Last week, it was widely reported that Apple plans to close its retail stores in the Eastern District of Texas in order to avoid facing patent lawsuits in the district.  Given that a single paten...

Blackbird Grounded—For Now

Almost two years ago, I wrote about a new non-practicing entity (NPE)—Blackbird Technologies.  It claimed to be helping innovators, but the main innovation it helped promote was its own—havin...

NPEs Continue To Leave Their (Land)mark On Small Businesses

The reports of the death of the patent troll are greatly exaggerated.  Alive and well, they continue to have a real impact on small and medium-sized U.S. businesses (SMEs). Azure Standard P...

Qualcomm’s Patent Scheme Is On Its Heels

It hasn’t been a week full of good news for Qualcomm.  Qualcomm is losing battles on three different fronts, putting serious pressure on its global campaign to maintain the patent licensing sch...

“On Sale” Means What It Says: Helsinn v. Teva

Today, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Helsinn v. Teva.  In a unanimous decision, the Court upheld the Federal Circuit’s determination that “on sale” means “on sale”, not “on sale...

Congress Weighs In On Qualcomm and Apple At The ITC

The big Qualcomm news this week was the start of the FTC v. Qualcomm antitrust trial in front of Judge Koh.[1.  For a blow-by-blow of this case from a number of reporters in attendance, check out the...

Comparable Licenses Often Aren’t

One of the more complicated issues in patent law is the issue of damages—the determination of how much money a patent owner receives when they prove infringement and validity.  A patent owner, unde...

Don’t Buy Into Qualcomm’s Attempts To Distract From Its Anti-Competitive Behavior

There’s been a lot of discussion about Qualcomm’s recent Chinese injunction against Apple.  But that’s a distraction—the real story is, and remains, the trio of lawsuits against Qualcomm for ...

ITC Review of Qualcomm-Apple Decision Is Normal Practice

Last week, the International Trade Commission (ITC) decided to review the decision of the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in the Qualcomm v. Apple case at the ITC.  Unfortunately, news reports have ch...

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