

The PREVAIL Act: A Step Backward for Patent Policy

How often does someone offer you an option that is not only cheaper and faster, but also better?  Not very often, I would guess.   Yet that is what is provided to patent litigants via patent val...

Happy 2024, Patent World

As we kick off the new year, we first want to thank you for being a Patent Progress reader and following along as we tracked some of the biggest developments in the patent landscape in 2023.  Last...

Judge Connolly’s Push for Funding Transparency is Working

In April 2022, Delaware federal court Judge Colm F. Connolly introduced a standing order requiring that all parties appearing in his court disclose any third-party funding. This was in an attempt to a...

Study Confirms That PREVAIL Act, Patent Office ANPRM Proposals Will Hurt the Economy

A study from the Perryman Group – an economic and financial analysis firm based in Waco, Texas – confirmed that proposals contained in both the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO...

“Clear Abuse of Discretion” Leads to New Venue Precedent

In late October, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a decision by the District Court for the Western District of Texas that blocked TikTok Inc.’s request to move a copyright infringement su...

Correcting the Record on the PREVAIL Act

Earlier this month, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property held a hearing to discuss Reforming the Patent Trial and Appeal Board – The PREVAIL Act and Proposals to Promote U.S. I...

Analysis Confirms that WDTX Judge Shopping Generated More Lawsuits, Imposed High Costs

Following his appointment to the Waco Division U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas (WDTX) in 2018, Judge Alan Albright quickly garnered a reputation for trying to attract plaintiffs ...

A Unified Litigation Funding Disclosure Rule

Last week, I had the rare opportunity to speak at the UK’s Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys Congress 2023 in Cambridge. I was there to discuss evolving business models of U.S. patent assertio...

Input on the United States Government National Standards Strategy for CET – Part 2

This post first appeared on SEP Essentials. This is my second post in response to the Department of Commerce of the United States government in conjunction with the U.S. National Institute of Stand...

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