

Understanding The Questions Asked At The “Bad Patents” Hearing

The recent House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on the Impact of Bad Patents on American Businesses addressed many of the points I made last week.  But it also highlighted a few issues where there’...

Comments to the USPTO on AIA Trial Procedures

On July 6, the Computer and Communications Industry Association submitted comments on America Invents Act (AIA) trial procedures in response to the PTO’s ongoing request for such feedback, most rece...

Bad Patents, Bad Results

Tomorrow morning, the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet is holding a hearing on “The Impact of Bad Patents on American Businesses.”   ...

The “Doubtful Validity” Type Of Case

“Death squads.”  “Hanging judge[s].” A “reign of terror.”  “Patent killing fields.” Even if we set aside the questionable taste shown in analogizing the review of patents to genocid...

TC Heartland’s Effects: A Bang Or A Whimper?

Since tomorrow we’re celebrating Independence Day here in D.C., I thought I’d go back and revisit the Independence From Eastern Texas case, TC Heartland, to see how big of an effect it has really ...

International Trade, Not Interrupted Trade—Trolls and the ITC

You hear a lot about patent litigation in district courts.  And, over the past several years, the new inter partes review procedure has seen a lot of attention (including last week’s renewed effort...

Leaping Dismissal With A Single Order, It’s FTC v. Qualcomm!

Monday, Judge Koh issued an order denying Qualcomm’s motion to dismiss in the FTC v. Qualcomm lawsuit.  This is just the first step in the lawsuit, but there are some pretty important signals burie...

IPR Statistics – Success Is Sector Specific

Yesterday, I published an extensive analysis of Senator Coons’ STRONGER Patents Act.  As I said then, the bill would neuter the IPR process, removing any real reason to ever pursue one (assuming yo...

STRONGER Patents, WEAKER Innovation

Yesterday, Senator Coons introduced his STRONGER Patents Act.  Senator Coons provided a section-by-section description of the bill, as well as the text of the bill.  And after reading it, I have som...

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