

Apple v. Qualcomm – Double Dipping and Breaking Promises

Back in January, Patent Progress wrote about lawsuits filed against Qualcomm by the FTC and by Apple.  Today, Apple filed an amended complaint against Qualcomm, based in part on new law resulting fro...

Should Abstract Ideas Be Unpatentable?  The Answer Is A Snap

Tuesday, Kaldren LLC sued Snap.  (According to RPX, Kaldren is affiliated with IP Edge, a notorious patent troll.)  Kaldren sued over a set of expired patents on such wonderful ideas as: Printing ...

The Special Nature Of Venue In Patent Law

TC Heartland continues to impact the world of patent litigation.  I haven’t run the numbers yet on what’s happened since the decision came down, but just having read through the list of cases fil...

ContentGuard: Arguendo

Today, we watched as a man stood in front of a panel and explained how the other side had behaved improperly and how the decisions they made were incorrect and contrary to applicable legal standards. ...

ContentGuard: Validity and Privilege

Monday I summarized the history of the ContentGuard cases, and yesterday I described the process of claim interpretation.  Today, we’ll turn to an issue that we’ve focused on recently, patent val...

ContentGuard: Defining A Patent Case

Yesterday, I went through the history of the ContentGuard v. Apple and ContentGuard v. Google cases.  I talked briefly about the Markman process; today, I’d like to go into more detail on what Mark...

Previewing ContentGuard v. Apple and Google at the Federal Circuit

This Thursday, June 8, the Federal Circuit will hold oral argument in ContentGuard Holdings, Inc. v. Apple, Inc. and in ContentGuard Holdings, Inc. v Google, Inc.  (The Google case also includes a nu...

Uniloc-ing Defendants Into The Eastern District of Texas

Yesterday, Uniloc sued Google in the Eastern District of Texas.  Uniloc is a Luxembourg based company, not a Texas company.[1. They incorporated in Luxembourg for tax reasons.  There are a number of...
guest post Guest Post

How TC Heartland May Affect District Court Filings: A Quantitative Assessment

This guest post was authored by Shawn Ambwani and Robert Jain.  Shawn Ambwani is the COO and co-founder of Unified Patents.  Robert Jain is an attorney at Unified Patents.  This post provides a qua...

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