
Tag: Abusive Patent Litigation

April Madness Is Here

March Madness is over, with the Big Ten not taking home a championship.  (A sad day for Michigan fans like me.) But that’s okay—in April, the Big Ten Network has plenty to keep busy with. &nb...

Why Is The ITC Instituting Investigations On Expiring Patents?

Yesterday, the ITC published the Federal Register notice of the initial determination of an ITC administrative law judge (ALJ).  The ALJ determined that the investigation, instituted in January based...

Courts Will Swipe Left On Tinder’s Suit Against Bumble

Tinder swiped right on a lawsuit against Bumble last week, but their lawsuit has more than just surface flaws.  Tinder’s lawsuit alleges a number of forms of intellectual property violations—but ...

Tribal Immunity May Not Be Wonder Drug For Allergan

This article was originally published on Law360 and is reprinted here. You’ve probably already heard the story. Allergan PLC owns patents related to relieving dry eyes. These patents allegedly r...

Big Tech vs. Big Pharma: An Article Filled With Big Errors

On Monday, the Financial Times published an article by Rana Foroohar.  While there are a lot of flaws in the article, one particularly pernicious myth shows up—the myth that patent trolls aren’t ...

IPR Successes: Realtors Association Defends Its Members Using IPR

When you buy a house, it’s nice to know where the local schools are, where the closest park is, where a nearby grocery is.  So realtors commonly embed tools on their websites to show you a map of t...

All My Excess (Venue) Leaving Texas

Yesterday afternoon, the Federal Circuit overturned the Eastern District of Texas’s test for venue.  Even after TC Heartland, patent trolls were trying to keep defendants in the Eastern District of...

Inter Partes Review: Five Years, Over $2 Billion Saved

This Saturday, September 15, 2017, marks the five-year anniversary of the first filing of an inter partes review.  We’ve seen nearly 7,000 post-grant reviews filed since then, a Supreme Court case ...

Multiple Petitions?  More Like Multiplicative Claiming And Assertion

One of the criticisms frequently leveled against inter partes reviews (IPRs) is that people file multiple IPRs; they file two, three, four IPR petitions in order to harass a patent owner.  Complaints...

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