
Tag: Abusive Patent Litigation

The Cost Of Bad Patents: It’s Not Just The Lawsuit

The cost of bad patents is not just the cost of lawsuits.   This may seem obvious, but apparently it isn’t. I’ve recently noticed a trend from the anti-reform lobby: someone testifies in front o...

A Blackbird in Many Forms

You might recall a few months ago I wrote about Blackbird Technologies, an NPE with a novel approach to patent litigation.  Blackbird is a company owned by lawyers.  It buys patents from patent owne...

STRONGER Patents, WEAKER Innovation

Yesterday, Senator Coons introduced his STRONGER Patents Act.  Senator Coons provided a section-by-section description of the bill, as well as the text of the bill.  And after reading it, I have som...

Should Abstract Ideas Be Unpatentable?  The Answer Is A Snap

Tuesday, Kaldren LLC sued Snap.  (According to RPX, Kaldren is affiliated with IP Edge, a notorious patent troll.)  Kaldren sued over a set of expired patents on such wonderful ideas as: Printing ...

Blackbird Gets Wings Clipped In Lighting Litigation

Last week I wrote about Blackbird Technologies, a relatively new patent troll with some ethical and practical issues.  As I found out via Patently-O, it turns out that I’m not the only one who was ...

Another Good Bill Introduced, This Time on ITC Reform

The last couple of weeks have seen two good patent bills introduced, first the VENUE Act, and now the Trade Protection Not Troll Protection Act. This bipartisan bill closes loopholes at the Internatio...

Tyler, TX Brags About Its “Friendliness” to Patent Trolls

A consortium of local businesses in the town of Tyler, Texas has a website to promote the town, and I have to admit I was stunned by the shamelessness of one of the pages on the site, entitled “IP F...

The Scorpion and the Frog, or, If Intellectual Ventures Is For Something You Should Oppose It

Comprehensive patent reform has stalled in the Senate. You might think that would be enough for the patent trolls. But no, they’re still trying to kill real patent reform for good. How? By pushing...

Supreme Court Helps Rein In Patent Trolls, Legislation Still Needed

It’s another big day in patent law, as the Supreme Court issued decisions in two fee-shifting cases: Octane Fitness and Highmark. The Federal Circuit’s opinions were unanimously rejected in both c...

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