
Tag: innovation

The PTO’s § 101 Summary Report

One of the most important developments over the past few years is the Supreme Court’s decision in Alice v. CLS Bank - a decision that articulated a distinction between patent-eligible inventions, an...

Understanding The Questions Asked At The “Bad Patents” Hearing

The recent House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on the Impact of Bad Patents on American Businesses addressed many of the points I made last week.  But it also highlighted a few issues where there’...

Universities and Patent Reform

In Defense of Software (Patentability)

Note from [link_user name="matt.levy"]Matt Levy[/link_user]: The Alice v. CLS Bank case, which is being argued at the U.S. Supreme Court later this month, has invigorated the debate over the patenta...

Troll Economics: The White House Weighs In

Last week, the White House released its agenda of legislative priorities and executive actions on high-tech patent issues.  It was accompanied by a report, Patent Assertion and U.S. Innovation, that ...

Dear Intellectual Ventures, Part 2: You’re Holding Back Innovation, Not Encouraging It

This is the second post in a series. You can read the first post and the original posts that sparked this discussion (1, 2). Russ Merbeth of Intellectual Ventures and I are having a discussion about,...

Dear Intellectual Ventures, Part 1: Your Patents Are Worth a Lot Because No One Knows What They Mean

Last Friday, Russ Merbeth of Intellectual Ventures responded to my post regarding the effect of patent infringement on patent trolls. I appreciate Mr. Merbeth’s response; it’s to his credit that h...

Patents Don’t Lead to Innovation, People Do

Yesterday, Mike Masnick pointed out a study that looked at innovations that were given Research & Development’s “R&D 100 Award” from 1977 to 2004. The study found that, within certain gr...

Infographic on Patent Troll Threat to Innovation

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