
Tag: innovation

Senator Mike Lee’s Speech at CCIA’s Patent Progress Event Today

Below is the transcript of Senator Mike Lee's speech at our event today, How Patent Trolls Harm Innovation. I’m grateful for the opportunity to say a few words about patents and innovation.  In p...

Great video on impact of patent trolls on innovation

Reason TV put together this great video on the impact a patent troll is having on one business in particular.  It is worth a look.
guest post Guest Post

Patent Trolls Stifle Innovation

Over the last several months, we have been vocal in our calls for software patent reform to put an end to the threat of lawsuits on behalf of patent assertion entities (PAEs), more commonly known as p...

Patent Troll Panel Important for Competition Policy

CCIA is hosting an important event on Thursday, February 28th entitled “How Patent Trolls are Harming Innovation.”  The event will take place in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, and will featu...

February 28 Event: How Patent Trolls Are Harming Innovation

Please RSVP: cciapatentpanel.eventbrite.com

Ericsson and Unwired Planet: A One-Stop Shop for Outlining Patent Abuse

Swedish telecommunications pioneer Ericsson is the latest in a line of big companies turning to patent assertion entities (PAEs) to make a quick buck at the expense of competition and innovation.  As...

Patent Expiration Doesn’t Prevent Green Mountain Coffee From Maintaining Its Buzz

(Cross posted on Project DisCo) Keurig single-cup brewing systems, conspicuous contraptions found in offices and homes across America, are a convenient product for anyone who wants to make coffee a ...

Patent Flood Continues

The patent arms race continues to expand.  In 2012, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) saw a record 253,155 new patents issued.  Not only that, it also just set a record on January 8, 2013...

Patent-less Smartphone Innovation and Global Technology Markets

(Cross-posted on Disruptive Competition Project (DisCo)) This weekend I attended the Second Global Congress on IP and the Public Interest held in Rio de Janeiro.  The Congress is intended to draw a...

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