
Tag: inter partes review

IPR Successes: A Bridge To Sovereign Patent Funds

Patent trolls are a familiar concept at this point, but a “sovereign patent fund” (SPF) might not be.  This isn’t the kind of sovereign I wrote about recently in regard to sovereign immunity. �...

IPR Successes: Scan-To-Email Defeated By Scanner Makers

In the pantheon of infamous patent trolls, MPHJ is near the top.  MPHJ drew attention for their habit of mailing demand letters to anyone they thought might possibly have infringed their scan-to-emai...

A Balanced Patent System to Protect Innovation

Now more than ever we need a strong patent system which strikes the right balance so that intellectual property rights encourage innovation rather than financial gamesmanship.   The need to ...

IPR Successes: Realtors Association Defends Its Members Using IPR

When you buy a house, it’s nice to know where the local schools are, where the closest park is, where a nearby grocery is.  So realtors commonly embed tools on their websites to show you a map of t...

IPR Successes: Cleaning Up Messes

APTWater makes water treatment systems that clean up polluted groundwater and wastewater.  You’ve probably never heard of APTWater.  I hadn’t, nor had a friend who lives near their headquarters ...

IPR Successes: Trolls and Tolls

September marks the five-year anniversary of inter partes review (IPR), and Patent Progress is highlighting how successful the system has been at achieving its stated goals of increasing patent quali...

Inter Partes Review: Five Years, Over $2 Billion Saved

This Saturday, September 15, 2017, marks the five-year anniversary of the first filing of an inter partes review.  We’ve seen nearly 7,000 post-grant reviews filed since then, a Supreme Court case ...

Why Pay For Delay When You Can Pay For Immunity

What do Seymour Cray’s high-performance computing research company SRC Labs and drug manufacturer Allergan have in common?  Both SRC Labs and Allergan sold patents to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, ...

Now The ITC Is Banning Products Over Invalid Patents

Update: Dan Lang, who commented on this post below, has provided an expansion of the thoughts in his comment.  His detailed comments can be found here. The International Trade Commission (ITC) is su...

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