
Tag: ipr

Polaris Concurrence Explains Why Arthrex Was Wrong, But Signals Federal Circuit Won’t Fix It

Today’s Federal Circuit decision in Polaris v. Kingston had an unsurprising outcome—in line with last year’s Arthrex decision, the PTAB’s determination was remanded back to the PTO for review ...

Patent Links and Articles to Read by the Fire

With the holiday season upon us, there’s nothing better than to curl up by the fire with a hot cup of tea and a stack of patent-related articles.  Here’s a few you might want to take a look a...

Nartron IPRs a Touchstone For Understanding PTAB Discretion

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) recently issued institution decisions in a number of petitions filed against U.S. Pat. No. 5,796,183, a touchscreen patent owned by Nartron.  In the process o...

ITC Again Recommends Exclusion Based on a Patent Likely to be Found Invalid

International Trade Commission (ITC) Administrative Law Judge McNamara issued a Notice of Issuance of Initial Determination today, explaining that, based on a complaint from Qualcomm, she had found th...

CCIA Letter to Senate Judiciary IP Subcommittee Members On Questionable Studies

At last week’s Senate Judiciary IP Subcommittee hearing, questioners referenced two studies.  The first, on multiple IPR petitions, was conducted by Steve Carlson and Ryan Schultz of Robins Kap...

Losing by Winning: BTG v. Amneal

Today, the Federal Circuit will hear oral argument in the BTG v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals case.  In addition to standard disputes over whether the patent-in-suit was obvious and whether it was infr...

FTC Hearings #4: Patents, Intellectual Property, and Innovation

This post has been cross-posted to DisCo. Last week, the FTC held the fourth in its set of hearings focusing on “Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century.”  The first day focused ...

IPR And Alice Appear Responsible For Reduced Patent Litigation Costs

Patent litigation costs have dropped significantly over the past few years, after a steady series of increases over the previous decade.  This drop has sometimes been attributed to the use of int...

Additional Studies Show IPR Is Not A Threat To Hatch-Waxman Process

Over a year ago, I took a look at a study of the success rate for inter partes reviews (IPRs) of pharmaceutical patents.  That study showed that drug and biologic patents are significantly more likel...

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