
Tag: mattlevypost

The Scorpion and the Frog, or, If Intellectual Ventures Is For Something You Should Oppose It

Comprehensive patent reform has stalled in the Senate. You might think that would be enough for the patent trolls. But no, they’re still trying to kill real patent reform for good. How? By pushing...

Senator Leahy Takes Patent Reform Off The Agenda

Well, you’ve probably heard the news: Senator Leahy announced that patent reform is off the agenda for the Judiciary Committee this month. This is the most aggravating part of Senator Leahy’s stat...

Popular Patent Judge Shows Need for Discovery Reform

Lex Machina recently released its 2013 Patent Litigation Year in Review report, and there’s lots of interesting information. I want to focus on one particular data point, because it shows why any pa...

Google and Apple Do the Right Thing by Settling Smartphone Patent Disputes

Big news in the Smartphone Wars: Google and Apple have settled their patent disputes. This is unequivocally a good thing. As we’ve written a number of times (see here, here, and here), the smartpho...

Patent Progress’s Guide to State Patent Reform Legislation

[alert style="info"]Updated 5/15/2014[/alert] States Acting Against Bad Faith Patent Infringement Assertions (mouse over the state to see what action its legislature has taken) [imagemap id="4651"] S...

States Really Want Help With Patent Trolls

This past Friday, we launched our Guide to State Patent Reform Legislation. As of this writing, 10 states have passed laws against bad faith assertions of patent infringement, another 4 legislatures ...

Why Patent Trolls Hate Heightened Pleading

There have been plenty of objections (some silly, some not) to patent reform. But the ones that have probably seemed the weakest to me are the objections to raising the standard for pleadings in paten...

The Waiting is the Hardest Part – Patent Markup Delayed

You may have heard that we have to wait a little longer for the Senate Judiciary markup of the patent reform bill. It’s now looking like markup will be next week. As I wrote recently, there are det...

The Search for “Balanced” Patent Reform

The universities and the Innovation Alliance, despite being given nearly everything they’ve asked for, are still calling for “balanced” patent reform. They just sent a letter threatening to oppo...

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