
Tag: mattlevypost

New Fed. Cir. Opinion Demonstrates That Patent Law Is Confusing

Part of the reason that patent trolls have so much success targeting small businesses is that patent law is arcane and filled with traps for the uninitiated. Obviously, patents themselves are hard to ...

Patent Trolls Offend Both Ends of the Political Spectrum

The Progressive Policy Institute is out with a policy brief entitled, “Stumping Patent Trolls On The Bridge To Innovation.” The brief “discusses the rich history of progressives in leading effor...

What Does the Shutdown Mean for Patents?

Today, the news is being dominated by the partial shutdown of the U.S. government. Because we focus on patents, we wanted to let readers know what’s happening to the patent world during the shutdown...

Patent Reform Moves Forward With New Goodlatte Discussion Draft

On Monday, Rep. Goodlatte (R-VA) released a new discussion draft of a patent reform bill. We’ve been looking through it, and overall this is a strong draft. The draft has litigation reforms that inc...

Concern Trolls Send Letter to Congress Opposing CBM Expansion

As I’ve written before, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) and its fellow "concern trolls" have continually opposed the expansion of the covered business method ("CBM") review program from only fi...

Nathan Myhrvold Follows the Willie Sutton Rule (Updated 9/19/2013)

Update: I've added the actual transcript of the exchange below. Today, Nathan Myhrvold, the head of Intellectual Ventures, did an event on Capitol Hill. It was mainly a hagiographic exposition, so it ...

Dear Intellectual Ventures: Sorry If Your Lobbyist Showed Signs of Wear

Last night, I participated in a panel discussion sponsored by the App Developers Alliance. Russ Merbeth of Intellectual Ventures was one of the panelists, and I did manage to have a little fun with hi...

Three Myths About Intellectual Ventures

Intellectual Ventures is a company at the center of the debate about patent trolls. IV is a multi-billion dollar company founded by ex-Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold, and it makes its money throu...

Have Patent Trolls Overplayed Their Hand?

Jim Bessen has a nice op-ed in Ars Technica arguing that patent trolls have doomed themselves by going after small businesses.

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