
Tag: mattlevypost

Dear Intellectual Ventures, Part 1: Your Patents Are Worth a Lot Because No One Knows What They Mean

Last Friday, Russ Merbeth of Intellectual Ventures responded to my post regarding the effect of patent infringement on patent trolls. I appreciate Mr. Merbeth’s response; it’s to his credit that h...

States Are Getting Desperate to Do Something About Patent Trolls

As we’ve written before, it’s getting bad for small businesses — as David Balto pointed out yesterday, patent trolls are going after supermarkets, hotels, retailers, you name it. At least one st...

Startup DITTO Selling T-Shirts to Defend Against Patent Suit

EFF recently wrote about a startup called DITTO that sells eyewear online using a technology it developed to let people see how the glasses would look on them using a webcam. DITTO is being sued by 1-...

More on the Effect of Infringing Troll Patents

Tuesday, I posted about the lack of harm to the economy when a PAE’s patent is infringed. University of Pennsylvania Law School Professor Polk Wagner (@PolkWagner) engaged with the post on Twitter: ...

The Economy Doesn’t Suffer If a Troll Patent Is Infringed, But an Angel Does Get Its Wings

Last week at a panel discussion, a representative from Intellectual Ventures made a complaint. Why, this person asked, don’t people take into account the negative effect of patent infringement on th...

CLS Bank v. Alice: Don’t Lose Your Head

The patent world was waiting with bated breath for the Federal Circuit’s decision in CLS Bank International v. Alice Corp. At last, we thought, we would have a ruling on when software is patentable ...

Patents Don’t Lead to Innovation, People Do

Yesterday, Mike Masnick pointed out a study that looked at innovations that were given Research & Development’s “R&D 100 Award” from 1977 to 2004. The study found that, within certain gr...

Smartphone War: What Is It Good For?

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has noticed something about the ongoing patent war in the smartphone industry: it’s not accomplishing much of anything. Philip Elmer-DeWitt took the WSJ to task for mis...

Mueller’s critique against Google off base

Last month, Florian Mueller authored a provocative blog post, criticizing Google for its recent pledge not to assert ten of its patents against any open source project. Mueller has never been a fan ...

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