
Tag: mattlevypost

Software Patents Will Survive: How Section 101 Law Is Settling Down

(This article first appeared at IPWatchdog.) Software patents have been controversial for decades. The discussion generally centers around whether software is patent-eligible subject matter. Since th...

Samsung v. Apple: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Court

(Cross-posted at Huffington Post) A funny thing happened on the way to the Supreme Court in yesterday’s Samsung v. Apple design patent dispute. The high court was expected to review the lower cou...

Samsung v. Apple, Explained

(This post was cross-posted at Huffington Post) Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Samsung v. Apple, a case about design patents. This is an important case, and the parties do have a ...

The Eastern District of Texas Is Still Home for Patent Trolls

(Cross-posted at Huffington Post) The year is mostly over, so I thought I would take a look and see what’s going on in the Eastern District of Texas. The Eastern District of Texas still has more pa...

GAO Report on Patent Quality Summarized (Cartoon)

The GAO recently did a study on patent quality. It found that part of the reason so many patents are low quality is the pressures patent examiners are under to allow more patents.

Opposition to Venue Reform Misses Target

Note: The original version of this post first appeared at IPWatchdog. A group of 28 law professors just sent a letter to Congress opposing patent venue reform. As I’ll explain below, however, thei...

GAO Identifies Ways for PTO to Improve Patents

(Cross-posted at Medium) Even if you’re not a patent lawyer, you’ve probably noticed that patents have been in the news more. The growing problem of patent trolls, companies who make their money b...

Alice Helps Another Company Stop a Patent Troll

Michael Skelps, the General Manager of Capstone Photography, has a piece in the Hill today. It seems that Capstone got sued by a patent troll a few years ago. Capstone, which is a small business based...

Face Palm Watch: CAFC Says Configuring an Option per User is Patent-Eligible

Bad software patents apparently still have a few protectors on the Federal Circuit: in its recent decision in Bascom Global Internet Services, Inc. v. AT&T Mobility LLC, a Federal Circuit panel sa...

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