
Tag: mattlevypost

Update: PTO Releases Case Study Topics

Following up on this post, the USPTO has released its case study topics: 1) Evaluation of the deviation of 35 U.S.C. §101 rejections from official guidance, correctness of rejections and completeness...

Proposed PTO Case Studies Show Common Concerns

The USPTO recently requested proposals for case studies that the Office might do in order to improve patent prosecution. There were over 100 proposals submitted from associations, companies, law firms...

VirnetX Doesn’t Like Being Called a Patent Troll

VirnetX’s CEO, Kendall Larsen, is out with an op-ed in Corporate Counsel where he complains that VirnetX is labeled a “patent troll.” He uses a conveniently narrow definition of “patent troll�...

Another Good Bill Introduced, This Time on ITC Reform

The last couple of weeks have seen two good patent bills introduced, first the VENUE Act, and now the Trade Protection Not Troll Protection Act. This bipartisan bill closes loopholes at the Internatio...

The Supreme Court Agrees to Review Design Patent Damages Rule

Today, the Court granted certiorari in the Apple v. Samsung case on the question of design patent damages. We filed an amicus brief in support of Samsung's petition. The Federal Circuit interpreted d...

Tyler, TX Brags About Its “Friendliness” to Patent Trolls

A consortium of local businesses in the town of Tyler, Texas has a website to promote the town, and I have to admit I was stunned by the shamelessness of one of the pages on the site, entitled “IP F...

Universities and Patent Reform

“Efficient Infringement” Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

Patent reform opponents have found a new pet argument to push: something called “efficient infringement.” They’re using “efficient infringement” to mean that companies will find that it’s ...

CCIA Asks Supreme Court to Weigh in on Apple v. Samsung Case

Last Friday, we filed a brief in the Samsung v. Apple case. The issue we addressed was the proper damages rule for [define term="design patent"] infringement. The Federal Circuit held that Apple was e...

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