
Tag: mattlevypost

Oh No! Minor Changes to the Patent System Are Coming!

More on Why We Need Patent Reform: Patent Assertion Doesn’t Lead to Innovation

Mark Lemley and Robin Feldman have just put out a new paper that shows something many of us suspected: patent licenses tend to be for the freedom to operate, not for technology transfer. That is, in t...

David Balto on Why the FTC Should Release an Interim Report on Patent Trolls

David Balto (a regular contributor here at Patent Progress) has a great piece at The Hill's website. It's definitely a must read.

There Is a Constitutional Right at Stake in Patent Reform, But It’s Not What You Think

The Constitution did not create a right to a patent. Let’s get that out of the way. The eighth clause of Section 8 of Article I says, Congress shall have Power … To promote the Progress of Science...

Real Inventor Adventures (What Save the Inventor Didn’t Tell You)

As I noted last fall, the Innovation Alliance is pushing its claim that all sorts of catastrophes will befall individual inventors if we pass patent reform. Recently, through its "Save the Inventor"...

Patent Litigation Was Down, Now It’s Back Up

Remember when people were saying that patent litigation was dropping and that patent troll problems were all over? Turns out, not so much. According to Lex Machina’s data, there were 441 patent li...

Yes, The Aviation Industry Was Nearly Derailed by the Wright Brothers’ Patent

Well, it’s a new year, and with patent reform again on the horizon, we’ll be seeing a lot of articles like this one (promoted by this blog post). The article in question claims that there was no b...

Happy New Year from Patent Progress

We at Patent Progress wish you a safe and happy New Year! There will be plenty of patent action to come in 2015, so stay tuned...

A New Troll Feeds on Patent Trolls

This has to be one of my favorite stories this year: it seems that patent trolls are the victims of extortion by a new breed of troll (registration required). Here’s the scenario: a patent troll fi...

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