
Tag: mattlevypost

More Troubles for Intellectual Ventures as Detkin Leaves

Here’s some schadenfreude for your Monday: seems that Peter Detkin is leaving Intellectual Ventures. As I noted about a year ago, IV has been having a tough time, although it’s not clear why Detki...

FTC Commissioner Brill Says, Don’t Wait to Do Patent Reform

Today, CCIA and AAI co-sponsored a great event at the National Press Club, “Scrutinizing Patent Trolls: What Competition Enforcers Are Doing.” If you missed it, you can watch the webcast. FTC Comm...

Michelle Lee’s Nomination Hearing Goes Smoothly

There were no big surprises in today’s hearing on Michelle Lee’s nomination as head of the USPTO. The Committee went fairly easy on her with their questions, with the possible exception of Senator...

Alice Corp. Oral Argument Goes to the Dogs

This video was inspired by John Oliver's Real Animals, Fake Paws project. You can hear the full audio of the oral argument here.

A Patent Troll Explains the Drop in Suits

Many thanks to the Consumer Electronics Association, which gave us permission to use its troll figure.

Putting Alice in Perspective – There’s Still A Patent Troll Problem

Articles like this aren't helpful, as I explain in the video below. Yes, Alice is helping get rid of some bad patents, but those are just a drop in the bucket.

The Smartphone Patent Wars Celebrate 5th Anniversary

Yes, There Is (Still) A Patent Troll Problem

It’s been reported in a few places that a recent Lex Machina report states that patent litigation is down 40% from last year. Of course, the patent trolls are trying to use these inaccurate reports ...

Michelle Lee Is a Good Choice to Head the PTO

[caption id="attachment_5015" align="alignleft" width="200"] USPTO Deputy Director Michelle Lee[/caption] The White House announced yesterday that it's nominating current Deputy Director Michelle Lee...

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