
Tag: Patent Assertion Entity (PAE)

The Patent Troll’s New Clothes

You might have been reading a bit about Blackbird Technologies lately. Not the Blackbird Raytheon bought in 2014 (cybersecurity) or the Blackbird Etsy bought in 2016 (AI algorithms). (It’s a popular...

Myths and the STRONG Act

We’re hearing a lot of claims about the STRONG Act as an “alternative” to patent litigation reform. The campaign supporting the bill has been misleading at best. There are two pervasive myths ...

If You Claim That Patent Assertion Entities Are Beneficial, Prove It

I want to follow up on Tuesday’s post. In that post, I quoted from a letter sent by over 50 law professors and economics scholars that said, essentially, that there’s simply no doubt that current ...

The Debate Should Be Over: Patent Litigation Is Back Up

It looks like that dip in patent litigation last year is over: patent lawsuit filings are up, and they’re actually higher than the same periods last year. According to Lex Machina’s data, in Janu...

David Balto on Why the FTC Should Release an Interim Report on Patent Trolls

David Balto (a regular contributor here at Patent Progress) has a great piece at The Hill's website. It's definitely a must read.

FTC Commissioner Brill Says, Don’t Wait to Do Patent Reform

Today, CCIA and AAI co-sponsored a great event at the National Press Club, “Scrutinizing Patent Trolls: What Competition Enforcers Are Doing.” If you missed it, you can watch the webcast. FTC Comm...

Yes, There Is (Still) A Patent Troll Problem

It’s been reported in a few places that a recent Lex Machina report states that patent litigation is down 40% from last year. Of course, the patent trolls are trying to use these inaccurate reports ...

Patent Troll Debating

There’s No Data to Show That Many Inventors Are Being Ripped Off

The Innovation Alliance (an organization whose members include large [define term="patent trolls"] such as Tessera, InterDigital, and Qualcomm) has been pushing against patent reform in the name of th...

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