
Tag: patent reform

A “Balanced” Patent Bill

A Critique of Haber’s Study Claiming That PAEs Are Beneficial

Professor Stephen Haber of Stanford recently came out with a paper that, according to him, “suggests in new research that concerns about too much litigation involving patents is misguided.” We bel...

If You Claim That Patent Assertion Entities Are Beneficial, Prove It

I want to follow up on Tuesday’s post. In that post, I quoted from a letter sent by over 50 law professors and economics scholars that said, essentially, that there’s simply no doubt that current ...

The Debate Should Be Over: Patent Litigation Is Back Up

It looks like that dip in patent litigation last year is over: patent lawsuit filings are up, and they’re actually higher than the same periods last year. According to Lex Machina’s data, in Janu...

Updated State Patent Legislation Guide

Patent Progress's Guide to State Patent Legislation is regularly updated at least once a week, so please check it regularly. (We're working on adding a notification system you can subscribe to.) We h...

Oh No! Minor Changes to the Patent System Are Coming!

More on Why We Need Patent Reform: Patent Assertion Doesn’t Lead to Innovation

Mark Lemley and Robin Feldman have just put out a new paper that shows something many of us suspected: patent licenses tend to be for the freedom to operate, not for technology transfer. That is, in t...

There Is a Constitutional Right at Stake in Patent Reform, But It’s Not What You Think

The Constitution did not create a right to a patent. Let’s get that out of the way. The eighth clause of Section 8 of Article I says, Congress shall have Power … To promote the Progress of Science...

House Introduces Bill Aimed at Disarming Patent Trolls

Today the House Judiciary Committee reintroduced the Innovation Act.  I am optimistic that this bill will get overwhelming bipartisan support again in Congress.  With so many diverse businesses faci...

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