
Tag: patent reform

Real Inventor Adventures (What Save the Inventor Didn’t Tell You)

As I noted last fall, the Innovation Alliance is pushing its claim that all sorts of catastrophes will befall individual inventors if we pass patent reform. Recently, through its "Save the Inventor"...

Yes, The Aviation Industry Was Nearly Derailed by the Wright Brothers’ Patent

Well, it’s a new year, and with patent reform again on the horizon, we’ll be seeing a lot of articles like this one (promoted by this blog post). The article in question claims that there was no b...

A New Troll Feeds on Patent Trolls

This has to be one of my favorite stories this year: it seems that patent trolls are the victims of extortion by a new breed of troll (registration required). Here’s the scenario: a patent troll fi...

FTC Commissioner Brill Says, Don’t Wait to Do Patent Reform

Today, CCIA and AAI co-sponsored a great event at the National Press Club, “Scrutinizing Patent Trolls: What Competition Enforcers Are Doing.” If you missed it, you can watch the webcast. FTC Comm...

A Patent Troll Explains the Drop in Suits

Many thanks to the Consumer Electronics Association, which gave us permission to use its troll figure.

Yes, There Is (Still) A Patent Troll Problem

It’s been reported in a few places that a recent Lex Machina report states that patent litigation is down 40% from last year. Of course, the patent trolls are trying to use these inaccurate reports ...

Patent Troll Debating

There’s No Data to Show That Many Inventors Are Being Ripped Off

The Innovation Alliance (an organization whose members include large [define term="patent trolls"] such as Tessera, InterDigital, and Qualcomm) has been pushing against patent reform in the name of th...

Patent Quality Matters: Having a Patent Doesn’t Make a Person an Inventor

One recurring theme coming from the anti-patent reform folks has been the idea that we shouldn’t prevent or limit inventors from getting the rewards they deserve. Take this tweet for example: This i...

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