
Tag: patent reform

Why Patent Trolls Hate Heightened Pleading

There have been plenty of objections (some silly, some not) to patent reform. But the ones that have probably seemed the weakest to me are the objections to raising the standard for pleadings in paten...

The Waiting is the Hardest Part – Patent Markup Delayed

You may have heard that we have to wait a little longer for the Senate Judiciary markup of the patent reform bill. It’s now looking like markup will be next week. As I wrote recently, there are det...

The Search for “Balanced” Patent Reform

The universities and the Innovation Alliance, despite being given nearly everything they’ve asked for, are still calling for “balanced” patent reform. They just sent a letter threatening to oppo...

Well, That Explains It…. – Part 3

Previous Comic | Next Comic Click on the image to see a larger version. This comic was created using StripCreator. Previous Comic | Next Comic *In the Octane Fitness decision issued yester...

Well, That Explains It…. – Part 2

Previous Comic | Next Comic Click the image to see the larger version. This comic was created using StripCreator. Previous Comic | Next Comic

Supreme Court Helps Rein In Patent Trolls, Legislation Still Needed

It’s another big day in patent law, as the Supreme Court issued decisions in two fee-shifting cases: Octane Fitness and Highmark. The Federal Circuit’s opinions were unanimously rejected in both c...

Well, That Explains It…. (Updated 4/29/14)

Previous Comic | Next Comic Click the image to see a larger version. This comic was created using StripCreator. Previous Comic | Next Comic Update (4/29/14): In the Octane Fitness decision iss...

Progress on Patent Reform Takes a Little Time

As you may have heard, we basically have a deal on patent reform in the Senate Judiciary Committee. While lawmakers couldn’t quite get it done before recess, they left town with what Senate Judiciar...

A Troll in Inventor’s Clothing

Sometimes this debate over patent reform seems surreal. “Small inventors” are coming out of the woodwork to make bizarre claims, like arguing that making it easier to penalize patent owners who br...

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