
Tag: patent reform

Will SCOTUS Do Anything About Fee-Shifting?

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in two related patent cases, Octane Fitness LLC v. ICON Health & Fitness LLC and Highmark Inc. v. Allmark Health Management Systems. Both cases ha...

Patent Troll Victims Speak

The patent troll debate can get abstract, with people debating numbers and data. But there’s a real, human toll. Here’s a powerful video that tells the story of two patent troll victims in Illinoi...

Obama Administration Stays Focused on Patent Quality

Last June, the Obama Administration announced a number of executive actions to tackle the patent troll problem and improve patent quality. President Obama also talked about patent reform in his State ...

USPTO Issues Patent to Fraud

[caption id="attachment_4239" align="alignleft" width="258"] Photo by Alex E. Proimos, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0[/caption] This story is so embarrassing for the U.S. Patent & Trademark O...

MPHJ Aims at FTC, Shoots Foot?

MPHJ is probably the most notorious bottom feeder troll, threatening thousands of small businesses who might own scanners that scan documents and email them. It’s been so active that it’s drawn fi...

Dear IV: You’re Not a “Better” Kind of Patent Troll

Without much fanfare, Intellectual Ventures has put up a searchable public list of over 30,000 of its patents. Was it something I said? Seriously, this is a refreshing change for IV, which has, up unt...

Senator Schumer Explains It All on Covered Business Method Review

At today's Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, “Protecting Small Businesses and Promoting Innovation by Limiting Patent Troll Abuse,” Senator Schumer explained why we need to make the Covered Bus...

Before I Kill You, Mr. Bond[ing Requirement]

One big reason that being a patent troll is so profitable is that there isn’t a lot of downside risk for the troll. You just set up a holding company with no assets other than the patents you’re u...

Big Week for Patent Reform – Innovation Act Heads to the Floor

It looks like the Innovation Act (which was reported from the House Judiciary Committee a couple of weeks ago) will get a vote on the floor of the House this week. EFF and a number of other groups (i...

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