
Tag: patent reform

Talking Points Mau-Mau: Sununu Objects to Reform on Patent Trolls

Former Sen. John E. Sununu has an op-ed in the Boston Globe today that perfectly encapsulates the talking points of those who oppose efforts to clamp down on patent trolls. First is the “Patents Are...

Business and Consumer Groups Come Out in Support of Obama’s Patent Proposals

As it was widely reported yesterday, including here on Patent Progress, President Obama came out with a three pronged plan for stamping down on patent trolls.  Part one was a study outlining their ha...

Massive Gathering Calls for Solving our Patent Troll Problem

The groundswell of support for solving the problems created by patent assertion entities continues to grow.  Today, I had the pleasure of attending a standing-room only gathering of organizations and...

Patent Fixes Pick up Steam in Congress

(Cross post on DisCo) What a difference a year makes in Congress.  Last year, Reps. DeFazio (D-OR) and Chaffetz (R-UT) introduced the Saving High-tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes (SHIELD...

Patent Progress Interview Series: Julie Samuels, EFF

A few weeks ago we interviewed Julie Samuels, the Mark Cuban Chair to Eliminate Stupid Patents at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), about software patents and patent trolls.  Our conversation...

Senator Mike Lee’s Speech at CCIA’s Patent Progress Event Today

Below is the transcript of Senator Mike Lee's speech at our event today, How Patent Trolls Harm Innovation. I’m grateful for the opportunity to say a few words about patents and innovation.  In p...

Five Employees, Six Lawyers: The Problem with Software Patents

It’s the tech startup dream: coming up with a great idea, raising funding to make it a reality, gaining users, hiring a first, second, and third employee. Hiring just as many lawyers. When a startu...
guest post Guest Post

Patent Trolls Stifle Innovation

Over the last several months, we have been vocal in our calls for software patent reform to put an end to the threat of lawsuits on behalf of patent assertion entities (PAEs), more commonly known as p...

Patent Troll Panel Important for Competition Policy

CCIA is hosting an important event on Thursday, February 28th entitled “How Patent Trolls are Harming Innovation.”  The event will take place in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, and will featu...

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