
Tag: patent reform

Helping Startups Help Themselves: Why the SHIELD Act is TRIPS Compliant

(Cross-posted on Disruptive Competition Project (DisCo)) As I have discussed before, patent trolls pose a unique threat to technology startup companies.  The limited resources and small launch win...

The SHIELD Act Is a Step in the Right Direction

The SHIELD Act is an important step in the process of common sense patent reform where it is most needed: computer hardware and software patents.  The Act introduces a “loser pays” rule in compu...

Life after David Kappos: What should President Obama look for in the next head of the US Patent and Trademark Office?

Numerous outlets reported Monday that the current head of the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), David Kappos, would be stepping down.  While we have disagreed with Kappos at Patent Progress, espec...

Reflections on Patent Prom and the Silicon Valley-DC Divide

I just returned from five days in Silicon Valley to my Washington, DC home.  For years, I have been one of the many people who have sat at the intersection of the Silicon Valley-DC gap on key policy ...

FTC and DOJ Looking at Trolls under Antitrust Authority

A Sunday article in the Wall Street Journal reports the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) are devoting “huge energy, particularly at a senior level” to assess the impa...

Patent Progress at Patent Prom

Today is the Santa Clara Law High Tech Law Institute  “Solutions to the Software Patent Problem” Conference.  (#HTLI is actually trending on Twitter!)  Josh has been live-tweeting it on @Patent...

Why an Antitrust Lawyer Cares About Patent Reform

Since the advent of antitrust enforcement in the United States through the Sherman Act in 1890, antitrust law and patent law have endured an uneasy relationship.  Initial cases treated patents as sup...

The Continued Challenge Posed by Abstract Patents

What is the state of the patent system?  In 2009, scholars framed the question as whether it was failing.  In 2011, the question was whether it was in crisis.  Now, Wired Magazine’s “Patent F...

Progress in a Time of War

It may be thermonuclear war, but at least it’s out in the open. We have Steve Jobs to thank, not only for his brilliant contributions to technology, but for launching Apple’s thermonuclear war aga...

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