
Tag: patent reform

USPTO Strategic Plan Focuses On Patent Owners, Ignores Public

Last week, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) posted a draft of its 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.  While many of the goals set out in the plan are important—for example, improving the ability...

ITC Remedies Don’t Have To Be All-Or-Nothing

The International Trade Commission’s (ITC) basic function is to protect American industry against unfair foreign competition by prohibiting the importation of unfairly produced trade goods.  That i...

Finding A Few Problems In New “Inventor Protection Act”

There’s a bit of a glut of anti-innovation bills in Congress right now, ranging from the STRONGER Patents Act to Rep. Massie’s RALIA bill (which I hope to write about at a later date) and now, Rep...

Smartphones, Diapers, and Design Patents

Apple v. Samsung is obviously about high tech smartphones.  Other recent design patent cases have focused on high tech products as well—both the Nikola v. Tesla case Patent Progress covered recentl...

Did You Buy Your Car Just Because Of The Cup Holder?

Opening arguments in Apple v. Samsung started this morning.  While round six of the long-running case deals with smartphone patents, the potential impacts range much further.  As I noted in ...

PTAB Will Continue To Double-Check Its Work—All Of It

Today, the Supreme Court issued two opinions in cases focused on the inter partes review (IPR) procedure.  First, in Oil States v. Greene’s Energy Group, the Court upheld the constitutionality of I...

Like A Horror Movie Villain, The STRONGER Patents Act Returns

Since the STRONGER Patents Act was introduced last year, it’s basically been a dead topic.  Maybe that’s because the bill would gut the extremely successful inter partes review procedure and ove...

A New § 101 Trio Shows That We Don’t Need § 101 Legislation

The Bilski, Alice, Mayo, and Myriad cases are sometimes referred to as a § 101 quartet because they set forth the Supreme Court’s test for patentable subject matter under § 101.  Over the past fe...

Innovation Is Alive And Well—Patenting Activity

After examining the evidence for U.S. innovation as shown by startups and venture capital, and by R&D spending, I want to look at patenting activity—new patent applications and new patent grants...

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