
Tag: patent reform

Chamber of Commerce Patent System Ranking Is Built On A Shaky Foundation

The Chamber of Commerce produces a yearly ranking of intellectual property systems around the world.  This year, they dropped the U.S. patent system to 12th.  If I thought their rankings had any mer...

Dear Director Iancu

So, you’re Andrei Iancu, about to be the newly confirmed Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  What are the first things you put on your agenda? I have some suggestions. Elim...

Misleading Stats Lead To Misleading Testimony In Front Of Congress

Yesterday afternoon, the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet held a hearing on “Sovereign Immunity and the Intellectual Property System.” ...

Tribal Immunity May Not Be Wonder Drug For Allergan

This article was originally published on Law360 and is reprinted here. You’ve probably already heard the story. Allergan PLC owns patents related to relieving dry eyes. These patents allegedly r...

Big Tech vs. Big Pharma: An Article Filled With Big Errors

On Monday, the Financial Times published an article by Rana Foroohar.  While there are a lot of flaws in the article, one particularly pernicious myth shows up—the myth that patent trolls aren’t ...

IPR Successes: The Next Five Years

Over the past month, I’ve shown just how successful the inter partes review (IPR) program has been in its first five years.  IPR has saved billions of dollars and helped everyone from city governme...

IPR Successes: A Bridge To Sovereign Patent Funds

Patent trolls are a familiar concept at this point, but a “sovereign patent fund” (SPF) might not be.  This isn’t the kind of sovereign I wrote about recently in regard to sovereign immunity. �...

IPR Successes: Scan-To-Email Defeated By Scanner Makers

In the pantheon of infamous patent trolls, MPHJ is near the top.  MPHJ drew attention for their habit of mailing demand letters to anyone they thought might possibly have infringed their scan-to-emai...

A Balanced Patent System to Protect Innovation

Now more than ever we need a strong patent system which strikes the right balance so that intellectual property rights encourage innovation rather than financial gamesmanship.   The need to ...

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