
Tag: patent reform

Michael Meurer Responds to Critics

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down with Boston University School of Law Professor Michael Meurer (pronounced MOY-er). Mike wrote a paper with fellow BU Law Professor Jim Bessen that es...

ICYMI: SCOTUS Approves Getting Rid of Form 18 & Why It Matters

A while back I wrote about some amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that the Judicial Conference approved. The most notable change for patent law was that the amendments would get rid o...

Three Crucial Words in Patent Reform: Inter Partes Review (Part 3)

Note: This is Part 3 in a three-part series. If you're not comfortable with how inter partes review works, you may want to start with Part 1. If you are comfortable with IPRs, start with Part 2. Gut...

Three Crucial Words in Patent Reform: Inter Partes Review (Part 2)

Note: This is Part 2 in a three-part series. If you're not comfortable with how inter partes review works, you may want to start with Part 1. The Complaints About Inter Partes Review (IPR) Some pate...

Three Crucial Words in Patent Reform: Inter Partes Review (Part 1)

Note: This is Part 1 in a three-part series. If you're already comfortable with how inter partes review works, you may want to skip to Part 2. If you watched the Senate hearing last week, you heard a...

Why Universities Oppose Real Patent Reform: Money

Universities have been vocal opponents of real patent litigation reform measures. And other reform opponents have swung the squeaky-clean image of the ivory tower like a club. The presidents of Clems...

Watch John Oliver Take on Patent Trolls: Annotated Edition

John Oliver has covered an impressive amount of tech policy issues on his weekly HBO show Last Week Tonight, the National Journal points out, and he continued this last night, discussing patents and p...

If the Innovation Act Is Bad For Patents, Why Do Large Patent Owners Support It?

We’ve been hearing for months now that the idea that the Innovation Act will devalue patents. But there’s a big problem with this notion that no one seems to be discussing: a lot of companies tha...

Myths and the STRONG Act

We’re hearing a lot of claims about the STRONG Act as an “alternative” to patent litigation reform. The campaign supporting the bill has been misleading at best. There are two pervasive myths ...

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