
Tag: patent troll

Senator Cornyn Introduces Patent Abuse Reduction Act

Today is an exciting day — patent trolls are beginning to get some real attention in Congress. Following Senator Schumer’s introduction of the Patent Quality Improvement Act a couple of weeks ago,...

Dear Intellectual Ventures, Part 1: Your Patents Are Worth a Lot Because No One Knows What They Mean

Last Friday, Russ Merbeth of Intellectual Ventures responded to my post regarding the effect of patent infringement on patent trolls. I appreciate Mr. Merbeth’s response; it’s to his credit that h...

States Are Getting Desperate to Do Something About Patent Trolls

As we’ve written before, it’s getting bad for small businesses — as David Balto pointed out yesterday, patent trolls are going after supermarkets, hotels, retailers, you name it. At least one st...

Startup DITTO Selling T-Shirts to Defend Against Patent Suit

EFF recently wrote about a startup called DITTO that sells eyewear online using a technology it developed to let people see how the glasses would look on them using a webcam. DITTO is being sued by 1-...

The End-Users Strike Back

As Josh Lamel noted the other day, end-users such as retailers, financial services, grocery stores, advertising, hotel industries, and even oil companies are coming out in droves to fight abusive pate...

More on the Effect of Infringing Troll Patents

Tuesday, I posted about the lack of harm to the economy when a PAE’s patent is infringed. University of Pennsylvania Law School Professor Polk Wagner (@PolkWagner) engaged with the post on Twitter: ...

The Economy Doesn’t Suffer If a Troll Patent Is Infringed, But an Angel Does Get Its Wings

Last week at a panel discussion, a representative from Intellectual Ventures made a complaint. Why, this person asked, don’t people take into account the negative effect of patent infringement on th...

CLS Bank v. Alice: Don’t Lose Your Head

The patent world was waiting with bated breath for the Federal Circuit’s decision in CLS Bank International v. Alice Corp. At last, we thought, we would have a ruling on when software is patentable ...

Massive Gathering Calls for Solving our Patent Troll Problem

The groundswell of support for solving the problems created by patent assertion entities continues to grow.  Today, I had the pleasure of attending a standing-room only gathering of organizations and...

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