
Tag: patent troll

Previewing Tomorrow’s House Judiciary Hearing on Abusive Patent Litigation

Tomorrow, March 14, at 11:30AM in 2141 Rayburn, the House Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet is holding a hearing on “Abusive Patent Litigation...

Standard-Essential Patents in Context: Just a Small Piece of the Smartphone War Puzzle

(Cross-posted on DisCo) There has been a recent flurry of policy and regulatory activity related to standard-essential patents (SEPs).  First, Samsung announced it was dropping its requests for in...

Patent Progress Interview Series: Julie Samuels, EFF

A few weeks ago we interviewed Julie Samuels, the Mark Cuban Chair to Eliminate Stupid Patents at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), about software patents and patent trolls.  Our conversation...

Infographic on Patent Troll Threat to Innovation

Senator Mike Lee’s Speech at CCIA’s Patent Progress Event Today

Below is the transcript of Senator Mike Lee's speech at our event today, How Patent Trolls Harm Innovation. I’m grateful for the opportunity to say a few words about patents and innovation.  In p...

Five Employees, Six Lawyers: The Problem with Software Patents

It’s the tech startup dream: coming up with a great idea, raising funding to make it a reality, gaining users, hiring a first, second, and third employee. Hiring just as many lawyers. When a startu...

This American Life (NPR) on Patent Trolls

Update: NPR has a follow up to When Patents Attack!. Many people have asked us to post the This American Life story on Patent Trolls entitled "When Patents Attack" from NPR on July 22, 2011.  It is ...

Patents in the News 2/28

FTC-Google public comments round-up #2: Tech companies have their say The Essential Patent Blog February 28, 2013 Yesterday we covered several public comments submitted to the FTC by various professio...

Great video on impact of patent trolls on innovation

Reason TV put together this great video on the impact a patent troll is having on one business in particular.  It is worth a look.

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