
Tag: patent troll

The Patent Troll’s New Clothes

You might have been reading a bit about Blackbird Technologies lately. Not the Blackbird Raytheon bought in 2014 (cybersecurity) or the Blackbird Etsy bought in 2016 (AI algorithms). (It’s a popular...

Why Do Patent Trolls Love E.D. Tex.? The Answer May Surprise You!

Brian Love and James Yoon have a new paper out on the Eastern District of Texas and why patent assertion entities love it so much. The authors note that 90% of the patent cases in the Eastern District...

The Eastern District of Texas Is Still Home for Patent Trolls

(Cross-posted at Huffington Post) The year is mostly over, so I thought I would take a look and see what’s going on in the Eastern District of Texas. The Eastern District of Texas still has more pa...

Opposition to Venue Reform Misses Target

Note: The original version of this post first appeared at IPWatchdog. A group of 28 law professors just sent a letter to Congress opposing patent venue reform. As I’ll explain below, however, thei...

VirnetX Doesn’t Like Being Called a Patent Troll

VirnetX’s CEO, Kendall Larsen, is out with an op-ed in Corporate Counsel where he complains that VirnetX is labeled a “patent troll.” He uses a conveniently narrow definition of “patent troll�...

Another Good Bill Introduced, This Time on ITC Reform

The last couple of weeks have seen two good patent bills introduced, first the VENUE Act, and now the Trade Protection Not Troll Protection Act. This bipartisan bill closes loopholes at the Internatio...

Tyler, TX Brags About Its “Friendliness” to Patent Trolls

A consortium of local businesses in the town of Tyler, Texas has a website to promote the town, and I have to admit I was stunned by the shamelessness of one of the pages on the site, entitled “IP F...

Why the Innovation Act Needs To Freeze Out the Eastern District of Texas (Part 2 of 2)

[caption id="attachment_5222" align="alignleft" width="300"] The ice rink in Marshall, TX[/caption] In my last post, I told you about the Eastern District of Texas and why it’s such a popular venue...

Why Universities Oppose Real Patent Reform: Money

Universities have been vocal opponents of real patent litigation reform measures. And other reform opponents have swung the squeaky-clean image of the ivory tower like a club. The presidents of Clems...

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