

Roundup of This Week’s Patent News: July 26 Edition

Hi readers!  Congressional support for patent reform continues to grow.  On Monday, Rep. Issa and Rep. Chu introduced the Stopping the Offense Use of Patents (STOP Act).  That bill prompted Matt Le...

Troll Economics: The White House Weighs In

Last week, the White House released its agenda of legislative priorities and executive actions on high-tech patent issues.  It was accompanied by a report, Patent Assertion and U.S. Innovation, that ...

Roundup of This Week’s Patent News: June 14 Edition

Hi there!  No, this week wasn’t quite as eventful as last week.  (If you missed the big patent news, check out last week’s roundup.)  But we still have some news you don’t want to miss. First...

Schumer Proposes Expansion of Covered Business Method Program

Today Senator Schumer announced a proposal to expand the "covered business method" program instituted at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by the 2011 America Invents Act (AIA).  That initiative, ...

CCIA Filed Comments with the USPTO on Software Patent Quality

On February 12, 2013 in Silicon Valley, and February 27, 2013 in New York City, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) held two roundtables on enhancing the quality of software patent...

Using the Full Powers of the FTC to Combat Patent Trolls

A century ago there was a lively debate in Congress over the enforcement of the antitrust laws.  Much of the 1912 presidential campaign had focused on the lack of effective antitrust enforcement by t...

Patent troll supporters are ramping up efforts – a response

Many Patent Progress readers have likely noticed the groundswell of interest directed at addressing the patent troll problem plaguing high-tech innovators.  In January, the U.S. Patent and Trademark ...

Standard-Essential Patents in Context: Just a Small Piece of the Smartphone War Puzzle

(Cross-posted on DisCo) There has been a recent flurry of policy and regulatory activity related to standard-essential patents (SEPs).  First, Samsung announced it was dropping its requests for in...

Preview of Today’s USPTO Software Patent Roundtable in Palo Alto

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is holding the first of its bicoastal roundtables on software patent quality today at 12 pm EST (9 am PST) in Palo Alto, CA.  The second will be ...

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