

What’s In A Name?  At The Patent Office, Possibly More Than You Think

In an ideal world, patent examiners are perfect neutral arbiters.  They find the best prior art and always make the right decision as to whether an idea is new and entitled to a patent.  In ...

Fee-Setting Reauthorization Bill Introduced In Senate

Senator Coons has long been interested in strengthening patents.  While some of his efforts, like the STRONGER Patents Act, would actually harm the U.S.’s innovation economy by strengthening patent...

“The Same Or Substantially The Same Prior Art Or Arguments”

Director Andrei Iancu has been making the rounds since his confirmation.  In a recent interview, he suggested that “[t]here is, for sure, a perception problem in the IP community with the PTAB�...

Senate Introduces Bill To Prevent Abuse Of Sovereign Immunity

Yesterday Senators Cotton, McCaskill, Toomey, Ernst, and Perdue introduced the Preserving Access to Cost Effective Drugs (PACED) Act, a bill which would help prevent sovereign immunity from being abus...

Granted In 19 Hours

Patent examiners have an extremely hard job.  They’re given a patent application—which could be anywhere from a page long up to hundreds of pages, with patent claims ranging from a couple sen...

Innovation Is Alive And Well—Patenting Activity

After examining the evidence for U.S. innovation as shown by startups and venture capital, and by R&D spending, I want to look at patenting activity—new patent applications and new patent grants...

Dear Director Iancu

So, you’re Andrei Iancu, about to be the newly confirmed Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  What are the first things you put on your agenda? I have some suggestions. Elim...

The Alice Drizzle—Barely Even Noticeable

At the end of the year, I took a look at whether Alice really had a significant impact on patents as a whole.  The answer was that Alice simply doesn’t affect that many patent applications.  But s...

The “Alice Storm” Is More Of A Drizzle

You might be familiar with Bob Sachs’ term “Alice Storm.” Sachs and his co-authors over at Bilski Blog argue that “Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank has had a dramatic impact on the allowability of comp...

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