

A Big Day For The PTO—And A Good Day

On Monday, the Supreme Court heard arguments in two separate cases regarding inter partes review (IPR)—Oil States v. Greene’s Energy and SAS Institute v. Matal.  In both Oil States and SAS, the C...

Misleading Stats Lead To Misleading Testimony In Front Of Congress

Yesterday afternoon, the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet held a hearing on “Sovereign Immunity and the Intellectual Property System.” ...

IPR Successes: The Next Five Years

Over the past month, I’ve shown just how successful the inter partes review (IPR) program has been in its first five years.  IPR has saved billions of dollars and helped everyone from city governme...

IPR Successes: Realtors Association Defends Its Members Using IPR

When you buy a house, it’s nice to know where the local schools are, where the closest park is, where a nearby grocery is.  So realtors commonly embed tools on their websites to show you a map of t...

Inter Partes Review: Five Years, Over $2 Billion Saved

This Saturday, September 15, 2017, marks the five-year anniversary of the first filing of an inter partes review.  We’ve seen nearly 7,000 post-grant reviews filed since then, a Supreme Court case ...

Andrei Iancu Nominated For PTO Director

On Friday, the Trump Administration nominated Andrei Iancu to be the next Director of the USPTO. Mr. Iancu has extensive experience in patent litigation.  This includes work on behalf of both patent...

Multiple Petitions?  More Like Multiplicative Claiming And Assertion

One of the criticisms frequently leveled against inter partes reviews (IPRs) is that people file multiple IPRs; they file two, three, four IPR petitions in order to harass a patent owner.  Complaints...

It’s The End Of The Podcast Patent And We Know It

In eagerly awaited news, the Federal Circuit affirmed the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (PTAB) determination that Personal Audio’s U.S. Pat. No. 8,112,504 is invalid based on an inter partes review...

The PTO’s § 101 Summary Report

One of the most important developments over the past few years is the Supreme Court’s decision in Alice v. CLS Bank - a decision that articulated a distinction between patent-eligible inventions, an...

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