

Comments to the USPTO on AIA Trial Procedures

On July 6, the Computer and Communications Industry Association submitted comments on America Invents Act (AIA) trial procedures in response to the PTO’s ongoing request for such feedback, most rece...

IPR Statistics – Success Is Sector Specific

Yesterday, I published an extensive analysis of Senator Coons’ STRONGER Patents Act.  As I said then, the bill would neuter the IPR process, removing any real reason to ever pursue one (assuming yo...

SCOTUS Taking Case On Partial Institution Of IPRs

One of the biggest changes coming out of the 2011 America Invents Act (AIA) was the creation of the inter partes review (IPR) procedure, which allows people to challenge the validity of patents after ...

Why It’s a Good Thing If Michelle Lee Stays at USPTO

[caption id="attachment_5015" align="alignleft" width="200"] USPTO Director Michelle Lee[/caption] Well, this would be a nice surprise: it seems that Michelle Lee may be staying on as Director of the...

GAO Report on Patent Quality Summarized (Cartoon)

The GAO recently did a study on patent quality. It found that part of the reason so many patents are low quality is the pressures patent examiners are under to allow more patents.

GAO Identifies Ways for PTO to Improve Patents

(Cross-posted at Medium) Even if you’re not a patent lawyer, you’ve probably noticed that patents have been in the news more. The growing problem of patent trolls, companies who make their money b...

Update: PTO Releases Case Study Topics

Following up on this post, the USPTO has released its case study topics: 1) Evaluation of the deviation of 35 U.S.C. §101 rejections from official guidance, correctness of rejections and completeness...

Proposed PTO Case Studies Show Common Concerns

The USPTO recently requested proposals for case studies that the Office might do in order to improve patent prosecution. There were over 100 proposals submitted from associations, companies, law firms...

Watch John Oliver Take on Patent Trolls: Annotated Edition

John Oliver has covered an impressive amount of tech policy issues on his weekly HBO show Last Week Tonight, the National Journal points out, and he continued this last night, discussing patents and p...

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